

Āpatti-paṭidesanā (Confession of Offences)

Six reasons for āpatti

(1) Lack of shame; (2) ignorance of the rule; (3) in doubt but goes ahead; (4) thinks he ought when he ought not; (5) thinks he ought not when he ought; (6) acts without thinking (i.e. absent-mindedly).

Four conditions for exemption from āpatti

A bhikkhu who is (1) insane, (2) delirious, (3) suffering intense pain, or (4) the original perpetrator.

The kinds of āpatti

(a) Those that cannot be remedied (pārājika).

(b) Those that can be remedied:

Heavy offences (saṅghādisesa), confessed to a Sangha.

Light offences, confessed to another bhikkhu: thullaccaya (grave offences), pācittiya (offences of expiation), pāṭidesanīya (offences to be confessed), dukkaṭa (offences of wrongdoing), and dubbhāsita (offences of wrong speech).

Method of confessing light offences

(Thai Formula)

Before the general confession any known offences should be specified. Two bhikkhus with the same offence should not confess that offence together. To do so is a dukkaṭa offence.


SB: Senior Bhikkhu
JB: Junior Bhikkhu

Junior bhikkhu is confessing:

JB: Ahaṃ bhante sambahulā nānā-vatthukāyo thullaccayāyo āpattiyo āpanno tā paṭidesemi.

I, ven. sir, having many times fallen into grave offences with different bases, these I confess.

SB: Passasi āvuso.

Do you see, friend?

JB: Āma bhante passāmi.

Yes, ven. sir, I see.

SB: Āyatiṃ āvuso saṃvareyyāsi.

In future, friend, you should be restrained.

JB: Sādhu suṭṭhu bhante saṃvarissāmi. (×3)

It is well indeed, ven. sir. I shall be restrained.

SB: Ahaṃ āvuso sambahulā nānā-vatthukāyo thullaccayāyo āpattiyo āpanno tā paṭidesemi.

I, friend, having many times fallen into grave offences with different bases, these I confess.

JB: Passatha bhante.

Do you see, ven. sir?

SB: Āma āvuso passāmi.

Yes, friend, I see.

JB: Āyatiṃ bhante saṃvareyyātha.

In future, ven. sir, you should be restrained.

SB: Sādhu suṭṭhu āvuso saṃvarissāmi. (×3)

It is well indeed, friend. I shall be restrained.

This formula is repeated replacing ‘thullaccayāyo’ with, in turn, ‘pācittiyāyo’, ‘dukkaṭāyo’, ‘dubbhāsitāyo’.

With ‘dubbhāsitāyo’ omit ‘nānā-vatthukāyo’.

When confessing two offences of the same class:
‘sambahulā’ (many) → ‘dve’ (twice)

When confessing a single offence:

‘Sambahulā nānā-vatthukāyo thullaccayāyo āpattiyo āpanno tā paṭidesemi.’
→ ‘Ekaṃ thullaccayaṃ āpattiṃ āpanno taṃ paṭidesemi.’

Replace, as appropriate, ‘thullaccayaṃ’ with ‘pācittiyaṃ’, ‘dukkaṭaṃ’, ‘dubbhāsitaṃ’.

Nissaggiya Pācittiya

When confessing a nissaggiya pācittiya (‘expiation with forfeiture’) offence, substitute ‘nissaggiyāyo pācittiyāyo’ for ‘thullaccayāyo’, or ‘nissaggiyaṃ pācittiyaṃ’ for ‘thullaccayaṃ’ in the formula at Light Offences above.

However, before confessing, the article in question must be forfeited to another bhikkhu or to a Sangha.


Nissaggiya Pācittiya 1 (‘extra robe’)

On the eleventh dawn of keeping one ‘extra robe’, within forearm’s length, forfeiting to a more senior bhikkhu:

‘Idaṃ me bhante cīvaraṃ dasāhātikkantaṃ nissaggiyaṃ. Imāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

This extra robe, ven. sir, which has passed beyond the ten day (limit), is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to you.

More than one robe, within forearm’s length:

‘Imāni me bhante cīvarāni dasāhātikkantāni nissaggiyāni. Imānāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

If forfeiting to a Sangha: ‘āyasamato’ → ‘saṅghassa’

If forfeiting to a group of bhikkhus:
‘āyasamato’ → ‘āysamantānaṃ’

If senior bhikkhu: ‘bhante’ → ‘āvuso’

If beyond forearm’s length:

‘idaṃ’ (this) → ‘etaṃ’ (that)
‘imāhaṃ’ → ‘etāhaṃ’
‘imāni’ (these) → ‘etāni’ (those)
‘imānāhaṃ’ → ‘etānāhaṃ’

Returning the robe

‘Imaṃ cīvaraṃ āyasmato dammi.’
I give this robe to you.Vin.III.197

For returning more than one robe:
‘imaṃ’ → ‘imāni’ ; ‘cīvaraṃ’ → ‘cīvarāni’

This formula for returning the article(s) also applies in NP. 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 below.

Nissaggiya Pācittiya 2 (‘separated from’)

‘Idaṃ me bhante cīvaraṃ ratti-vippavutthaṃ aññatra bhikkhu-sammatiyā nissaggiyaṃ. Imāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

This robe, ven. sir, which has stayed separate (from me) for a night without the consent of the bhikkhus, is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to you.


If multiple robes:
‘cīvaraṃ’ → ‘dvicīvaraṃ’/‘ticīvaraṃ’ (two-/three-robes)

Nissaggiya Pācittiya 3 (‘over-kept cloth’)

‘Idaṃ me bhante akāla-cīvaraṃ māsātikkantaṃ nissaggiyaṃ. Imāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

This, ven. sir, ‘out of season’ robe, which has passed beyond the month (limit), is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to you.


For more than one piece of cloth:

‘Imāni me bhante akāla-cīvarāni māsātikkantāni nissaggiyāni. Imānāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

Nissaggiya Pācittiya 6 (‘asked for’)

‘Idaṃ me bhante cīvaraṃ aññātakaṃ gahapatikaṃ aññatra samayā viññāpitaṃ nissaggiyaṃ. Imāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

This robe, ven. sir, which has been asked from an unrelated householder at other than the proper occasion, is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to you.


For more than one piece of cloth:

‘Imāni me bhante cīvarāni aññātakaṃ gahapatikaṃ aññatra samayā viññāpitāni nissaggiyāni. Imānāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

Nissaggiya Pācittiya 7 (‘beyond limit’)

‘Idaṃ me bhante cīvaraṃ aññātakaṃ gahapatikaṃ upasaṃkamitvā tat’uttariṃ viññāpitaṃ nissaggiyaṃ. Imāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

This robe, ven. sir, which has been asked for beyond the limitation from an unrelated householder, is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to you.


For more than one piece of cloth:

‘Imāni me bhante cīvarāni aññātakaṃ gahapatikaṃ tat’uttariṃ viññāpitāni nissaggiyāni. Imānāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

Nissaggiya Pācittiya 8 (‘instructing’)

‘Idaṃ me bhante cīvaraṃ pubbe appavārito aññātakaṃ gahapatikaṃ upasaṅkamitvā cīvare vikappaṃ āpannaṃ nissaggiyaṃ. Imāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

This robe, ven. sir, which has been instructed about after having approached an unrelated householder without prior invitation is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to you.


Nissaggiya Pācittiya 9 (‘instructing’)

For a robe (robe-cloth) received after making instructions to two or more householders. Use formula of NP 8 above but change:

‘aññātakaṃ gahapatikaṃ’ → ‘aññātake gahapatike’

For returning the robe(s) see NP 1 above.


Nissaggiya Pācittiya 10 (‘reminding’)

‘Idaṃ me bhante cīvaraṃ atireka-tikkhattuṃ codanāya atireka-chakkhattuṃ ṭhānena abhinipphāditaṃ nissaggiyaṃ, imāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

This robe, ven. sir, which has been obtained by inciting more than three times, by standing more than six times, is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to you.


Nissaggiya Pācittiya 18 (‘gold and silver’)

‘Ahaṃ bhante rūpiyaṃ paṭiggahesiṃ, idaṃ me nissaggiyaṃ. Imāhaṃ saṅghassa nissajjāmi.’

Ven. sirs, I have accepted money. This is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to the Saṅgha.

To be forfeited to the Sangha only.


Nissaggiya Pācittiya 19 (‘monetary exchange’)

‘Ahaṃ bhante nānappakārakaṃ rūpiyasaṃvohāraṃ samāpajjiṃ, idaṃ me nissaggiyaṃ. Imāhaṃ saṅghassa nissajjāmi.’

Ven. sirs, I have engaged in various kinds of trafficking with money. This (money) is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to the Saṅgha.

To be forfeited to the Sangha only.


Nissaggiya Pācittiya 20 (‘buying and selling’)

‘Ahaṃ bhante nānappakārakaṃ kayavikkayaṃ samāpajjiṃ, idaṃ me nissaggiyaṃ. Imāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

Ven. sir, I have engaged in various kinds of buying and selling. This (gain) of mine is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to you.


If forfeiting to a Sangha: ‘āyasmato’ → ‘saṅghassa’

If forfeiting to a group of bhikkhus:
‘āyasmato’ → ‘āyasmantānaṃ’

Nissaggiya Pācittiya 21 (‘extra bowl’)

‘Ayaṃ me bhante patto dasāhātikkanto nissaggiyo. Imāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

This bowl, ven. sir, which has passed beyond the ten-day (limit), is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to you.

For returning the bowl:

‘Imaṃ pattaṃ āyasmato dammi.’
I give this bowl to you.


Nissaggiya Pācittiya 22 (‘new bowl’)

‘Ayaṃ me bhante patto ūnapañca-bandhanena pattena cetāpito nissaggiyo. Imāhaṃ saṅghassa nissajjāmi.’

This bowl, ven. sirs, which has been exchanged for a bowl that has less than five mends, is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to the Sangha.

To be forfeited to the Sangha only.


Nissaggiya Pācittiya 23 (‘kept tonics’)

‘Idaṃ me bhante bhesajjaṃ sattāhātikkantaṃ nissaggiyaṃ. Imāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

This tonic, ven. sir, which has passed beyond the seven-day (limit), is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to you.

Tonics can be returned, but not for consumption:

‘Imaṃ bhesajjaṃ āyasmato dammi.’
I give this tonic to you.


Nissaggiya Pācittiya 25 (‘snatched back’)

‘Idaṃ me bhante cīvaraṃ bhikkhussa sāmaṃ datvā acchinnaṃ nissaggiyaṃ. Imāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

This robe, ven. sir, which has been snatched back after having given it myself to a bhikkhu, is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to you.


Nissaggiya Pācittiya 28 (‘urgent’)

‘Idaṃ me bhante acceka-cīvaraṃ cīvara-kālasamayaṃ atikkāmitaṃ nissaggiyaṃ. Imāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

This robe-offered-in-urgency, ven. sir, has passed beyond the robe-season, is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to you.


Nissaggiya Pācittiya 29 (‘wilderness abode’)

‘Idaṃ me bhante cīvaraṃ atireka-chā-rattaṃ vippavutthaṃ aññatra bhikkhu-sammatiyā nissaggiyaṃ. Imāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

This robe, ven. sir, which has stayed separate (from me) for a night without the consent of the bhikkhus, is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to you.


Nissaggiya Pācittiya 30 (‘diverted gain’)

‘Idaṃ me bhante jānaṃ saṅghikaṃ lābhaṃ pariṇataṃ attano pariṇāmitaṃ nissaggiyaṃ. Imāhaṃ āyasmato nissajjāmi.’

This gain belonging to the Saṅgha, ven. sir, which has been (already) diverted (to someone), (and) which has been knowingly diverted to myself (instead), is to be forfeited by me: I forfeit it to you.

To return the article: ‘Imaṃ āyasmato dammi.’



(i) A bhikkhu who has committed saṅghādisesa must first inform one or more bhikkhus, and then inform a Sangha of at least four bhikkhus of his fault(s) and ask to observe mānatta (penance). When the Sangha has given mānatta to that bhikkhu, he recites the formula undertaking mānatta and then practises the appropriate duties for six days and nights. When the bhikkhu has completed practising mānatta, he requests rehabilitation (abbhāna) in the presence of a Sangha of at least twenty bhikkhus.

(ii) A bhikkhu who has committed saṅghādisesa and deliberately concealed it must first live in parivāsa (probation) for the number of days that the offence was concealed. When the bhikkhu has completed his time living in parivāsa, he requests mānatta and then follows the procedure outlined in (i) above.